A new key biodiversity platform for cross sectoral collaboration
For its inaugural launch, World Biodiversity Summit will help define what world leaders and the private sector in biodiversity and climate action need to do in the medium and long term to achieve sustainable development and hinder further biodiversity loss, focusing on partnerships and investment mechanisms as levers of progress. World Biodiversity Summit is a platform for responding to accelerating biodiversity loss, by using the Paris Agreement as a framework to learn from, promoting relevant solutions, innovations, and leadership networks, strengthening nature restoration and conservation. Nature-based solutions will be highlighted, from specificecosystems to global possibilities.
In 2021, the Climate Investment Summit provided strategic impetus to present global climate finance commitments and solutions. It tackled topics from the perspective of institutional investors, public sector regulators and private sector businesses on investment opportunities in the green energy sector, business models and portfolio construction, financial vehicles for green investments and the required enabling environments for attracting finance.
Day 1 took place as a digital and in-person day at TIVOLI HOTEL & CONGRESS CENTER.
Day 2 took place as a digital day.
Programme Day 1, 7 September 2021
09:30-10:00 am
Welcome & Keynote Addresses
High-level welcome and keynote addresses.
10:00-10:45 am
Opening Plenary Session
Making Net-Zero Finance a Reality - Cross-Sector Collaboration for Financing Climate-Resilient Development & a Green Recovery
Panel on best practice investment strategies and partnerships to support the fundamental shift required to achieve 2030 climate targets and the net-zero transition. To achieve a whole economy transition — every sector will have to adjust its business models and develop and implement credible plans for the transition. How can public and private sectors collaborate to access the required financing and achieve both short and long-term global climate goals?
10:45-11:00 am
Reporting on internationally ambitious asset owner and asset manager climate commitments.
11:00-11:07 am
Keynote Address
11:07-11:45 am
Main Session (1A)
Transitioning to Paris-Aligned Portfolio - The Role of Institutional Investors
Session exploring the strategies required to align portfolios to the goals of the Paris Agreement. The panel will focus on the sectors, companies and asset classes that can provide the real economic impact, exploring the barriers, opportunities and best practice options to support portfolio transition.
Digital Track
Lunch Break
11:45-12:45 pm
11:45-12:30 pm
Focus Session (1B)
Building Back Better Together - Transatlantic Investment Opportunities in the Clean Energy Transition
This session will highlight the increasing investment opportunities and strategies to strengthen public-private engagements between Europe and the U.S. The session will focus on best practices in energy transition and on emerging investment opportunities.
12:30-13:00 pm
Fireside Chat
The Role of Green Bonds in the Net-Zero Transition
Dynamic fireside chat on how experienced investors are successfully engaging in the green bond market and key insights into how these bonds can help achieve climate targets and transition portfolios.
12:45-13:00 pm
Keynote Address
Increasing Investments in Emerging Markets & Developing Economies
Country case focused keynotes to share best practice policy and investment models in blended finance to increase investment in emerging markets.
13:00-14:00 pm
Main Session (1B)
Public-Private Partnerships for Increased Climate Mitigation Investments in Emerging Markets
Cross-sectoral panel on public and private-sector strategies to better link project pipelines to investors, to de-risk and accelerate the investments required to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement and SDG7. This session will take market-specific focus to exemplify successful partnerships supporting increased green investments and enabling frameworks.
14:00-14:45 pm
Main Session (1C)
From Commitments to Action - Financing Net-Zero Ambition
This session will explore how institutional investors can successfully translate net-zero emissions goals into practice. The session will focus on investor strategies and innovations to ambitiously implement short and medium-term plans to mobilise and align global climate finance at scale.
Networking Break
14:45-15:00 pm
15:00-16:00 pm
Closing Plenary Session (1D)
The Climate Decade - Reaching Positive Tipping Points to Reach the Paris Agreement & How to Finance Them
Session identifying global positive tipping points and how they can be achieved by governments, private sector including asset owners and managers and civil society to collectively scale efforts to tackle the climate crisis. Focus on how these tipping points can spark rapid change through systems to decarbonise and transition the world to net-zero, including the strongest drivers in the transition such as accelerated climate finance and enabling frameworks.
16:00-16:15 pm
Closing Remarks
Networking Reception
16:15 pm
Programme Day 2, S8 September 2021, Digital Day
Programme Day 1, September 7, 2021
9:30-10:15 am
Opening Plenary Session
Investment Strategies & Opportunities - Redirection of Global Investment Flows to Shift the Global Energy System
Opening session on prominent solutions to decarbonise the interconnected global energy system, through both investments and divestments, to achieve the targets under the Paris Agreement. Cross-sectoral panel with a focus on successful financial strategies, including target-setting, transparency, active engagement and the public sector’s role to provide clear investment frameworks and long-term strategies.
10:15 am-11:00 am
Main Session (2A)
Achieving a Just Transition: Investments in Adaptation & Resilience in Emerging & Developing Economies
Panel session on actions to spur capital investments in climate adaptation and resilience. The session will focus on best practices and investment vehicles and tools supporting the systematic acceleration of finance and investment as drivers of innovation in climate adaptation.
11:00-11:45 am
Main Session (2B)
Assessing & Disclosing Climate-Related Risks to Transition Portfolios & Increase Green Investments
A panel session on institutional investor strategies to better identify, assess and disclose climate change-related risks in portfolios and investment decisions to strengthen their resilience to climate impacts. This session will explore best practice approaches to reducing risk exposure and promoting investments green investments through emerging disclosure and regulation practices and tools.
11:45 -12:30 pm
Closing Plenary Session (2C)
Looking to COP26 - Transforming Change into Opportunity
Closing panel exploring the ambitious actions required to guarantee COP26 is a momentous milestone for climate action, setting the world on a consistent path of emissions reductions across sectors in the coming decade and towards net-zero. This final session will present solutions to ensure Paris Agreement targets are turned into credible climate policies and supported by required climate finance action plans.